Kei Yoshikawa is a feisty young boy, troubled by problems at home and annoyed at school. One day, after a sudden fainting spell, Kei is examined by the doctor and given shocking news: he is actually supposed to be a girl! Although physically male, Kei’s chromosomes show that “he” is female. Seeing a chance to start life anew, Kei and his family arrive at the decision for him to begin living as a girl.
As “Kei” disappears and “Megumi” enrolls back into school, his/her girl pal Makoto is Kei’s only ally who knows his secret. However, his former male friends figure things out before long, and suddenly, “Megumi” is the object of their affections!
Feeling femininely weak and vulnerable for the first time, Kei/Megumi develops an aversion for all boys. Dressed like a girl but still feeling like a boy, mixed-up Kei/Megumi feels more comfortable being with Makoto… what’s a gender-confused kid supposed to do?
By Mikiyo Tsuda