Hyocoro delivers the second installment in his science-fiction universe Metahuman Amnero, focusing on Marco and Amnero’s first mission together! Get ready to learn about Marco and Amnero’s history together, hinted at in the first installment but expanded upon in Metahuman Amnero: Myuka Never Says No!
Myuka is an innocent and cheerful girl, working as a waitress at a seedy dive bar. When regular patron and military bigshot Nagamatsu shows up, Myuka is selected by the bar’s owner to show the war hero some extra attention! But the two of them aren’t alone as they’d think: Marco and Amnero are watching from a distance, and the young Myuka is actually their target! Nagamatsu is determined to enjoy himself with Myuka, but is this innocent waitress really all that she seems…?
By Hyocoro