The anime film, A Silent Voice, was directed by Naoko Yamada and is based on the critically acclaimed manga by Yoshitoki Oima. This Limited Edition includes premium packaging which will house a 60 page Art and Storyboard Booklet containing storyboards from the Koi Wo Shita No Wa music video and Speed of Youth short, plus individual interviews with the Director, Composer, Art Director, and Character Designer of A Silent Voice.
Shoko Nishimiya, a girl who is deaf, transfers to a new school and meets a boy named Shoya Ishida. Shoya leads the school in bullying Shoko over her disability until she transfers once again. Immediately, the class turns on Shoya for having bullied Shoko and he becomes the outsider. For years Shoya suffers the consequences of his guilt, but upon entering high school, Shoya finally decides he must apologize to Shoko. Determined to make amends for what he did in elementary school and to become Shoko’s friend Shoya seeks Shoko out. Along the way, he meets new and old faces, and struggles with many complicated relationships and feelings.
Special Features: Real Life Locations of A Silent Voice featurette, full film commentary by the Production Staff (2 hours 10 minutes), Koi Wo Shita No Wa music video, Speed of Youth short music video by Naoko Yamada featuring original animations not in the film, Japanese and US promotional videos, and additional features to be revealed.